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Thesis Research
My research focused on algorithms for the analysis of large complex networks. I worked on efficient and often parallel graph algorithms, many of which are part of the open-source software package NetworKit.
DBLP has a current list of my publications.
- Poster on NetworKit, presented at the SIAM Workshop on Network Science 2014
- NetworKit: An Interactive Tool Suite for High-Performance Network Analysis (video recording)
- High-Performance Community Detection Heuristics for Massive Graphs - International Conference on Parallel Processing 2013, Lyon
- Parallel Dynamic and Selective Community Detection in Massive Streaming Graphs - European Conference on Data Analysis 2013, Luxembourg
- Static and Dynamic Aspects of Scientific Collaboration Networks - ASONAM 2012, Istanbul
- Modularity-Driven Clustering of Dynamic Graphs - SEA 2010, Ischia
- 06/2016: received Dr. rer. nat. (=PhD) with the dissertation Algorithms and Software for the Analysis of Large Complex Networks
- 10/2012 - 06/2016: Research assistant in the research group Theoretical Computer Science / Parallel Computing at KIT, supervised by Juniorprof. Dr. H. Meyerhenke
- 04/2012: Diploma in computer science at the Faculty of Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- 2005-2012: Computer science studies at the Faculty of Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology